Living Big Travel Blog

Travel tips, guides, and real life stories to inspire your next adventure. Go explore! 

Costa Rica 2014: Recap

Last week was my inaugural Hosted Adventure, with a trip to Costa Rica with nine amazing women. It was an incredible experience; enriching, rewarding, inspiring and challenging.

But as I left my hometown of Portland, Oregon to make my way to Costa Rica I had a difficult time processing and believing that what I for so long had envisioned in my head was actually happening. For real. As in nine women were packing their bags, saying goodbye to friends, family and commitments at work to join me in Costa Rica. *Pinch me*

It was an amazing trip. The photos below only scratch the surface at illustrating the fun we had and memories that were made.

I’m still replaying the experience over and over again in my head to evaluate and make plans to enhance future trips. But despite these details that the type-A’er in me can’t ignore, the one thought that is crystal clear is that this is what I want to do. The feeling I got from watching the women bond, share insecurities, stories and laughter, watching people do something outside their comfort zone (and succeed!) and hearing everyone talk about their travel dreams and bucket lists filled me up in a way that past “jobs” just couldn’t do.

Check out the photos below to catch a glimpse at the fun we had in Costa Rica. But the inside jokes, stories and funny moments will remain just between us ladies :)

To the ladies of Costa Rica 2014, thank you for adding so much fun, for inspiring me to keep dreaming and for being the fantastic women you are.

Cheers and XOXO,

Mary + the Living Big Travel team
