Living Big Travel Blog

Travel tips, guides, and real life stories to inspire your next adventure. Go explore! 

Italy 2019: Recap

Photo Oct 19, 2 48 25 AM.jpg

Italy in the fall, does it get any better?

The answer is yes - it sure as heck does! But only if you’re traveling with a group of amazing women who arrive excited to see, experience, taste and laugh their way through an adventure together!

We met in Florence, and used this amazing city as our home base for a week, and took a few day-trips outside the city. Take a peek below to get a little window into the fun we had - from too many gelato stops to count, learning about all-things-Renaissance and the Medici’s from Lucia, a fun cooking class with Mirella and Stefano, climbing to the top of Brunelleschi's Dome, seeing Michelangelo's David, enjoying ‘Carmen’ the opera, a day-trip to Siena - which included a Tuscan food crawl, making our own custom leather-bound notebooks with Erin, spending the day with our new favorite truffle-hunting dog Giotto (and a pretty epic truffle lunch!) to a beautiful day in the Chianti Hills trying allllllll the Sangiovese.

But alas - it was bittersweet, as this trip marked the final hosted adventure of note only 2019, but also for a while. I’ve started transitioning the company in a new direction (read more here) but we’re aiming to be back in a few years. I couldn’t have asked for a sweeter group to share this final journey. Don’t worry ladies - I’ll keep your hilarious goodbye medley (with custom lyrics, hairdryer microphones and more) just between you and me :)

OK fine - just one photo :)


Cheers to you all, and cheers to ‘living big’ and creating all kinds of special memories :)

Founder, Living Big Travel

Trip storiesMary Cecchini